Input fields allow users to provide initial data when running a workflow. This data flows through the workflow steps and can be processed to produce results.


Input fields are the building blocks for getting data into your workflow. Cortex provides several field types to handle different kinds of data:

Field TypeDescription
TextFor collecting any string data
NumberFor numeric values like quantities, amounts, or measurements
CheckboxFor yes/no or true/false choices
FileFor uploading documents, images, or other file types
OptionsFor choosing from predefined options
DateFor selecting dates
GroupFor grouping fields together with a label

Each field type has specific configuration options to customize its behavior and validation rules. We’ll cover these in more detail in the later sections.

Creating a Field

Let’s create a field to understand how fields can be added. Since we previously selected the Simple Chat template when we created the workflow, there will be a Text field by default. We’ll remove it and add a File field to demonstrate how to add a new input field.

  1. Click the Inputs Editor button in the top-right corner to open the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) input editor.
  2. You’ll see different field types on the bottom (toolbar). You can click the field type you want to add. In this case, we’ll click the File field type.
  3. You’ll be prompted to give the field a name. Let’s call it Document and click the tick button or press enter.
  4. Then click the Done Editing button.
  5. Now you’ll see the Document field added to the input section.

Field Options

Each field type has common options that can be accessed by hovering over the fields in the input editor.

GridDisplays the field in a grid layout for better organization
FullMakes the field take up the full width of the container
CenterCenters the field horizontally in its container
InlineDisplays the field and its label in a single line
DeleteRemoves the input field from the workflow
DuplicateCreates a copy of the field with the same settings and a different name
Drag/OptionsAllows reordering fields by dragging or opening the field’s settings menu by clicking

In addition to these common options, each field type has its own unique configuration options which we’ll cover in their respective documentation sections.

Field Settings Header

When you click the options button on a field and open its settings menu, you’ll see a header section where you can customize two properties:

  1. Field Name: Click the field’s name to modify the display name that appears in the input interface
  2. Field Key: Below the name, you can set the unique key that identifies this field when accessing its value in workflow steps

The field key is particularly important as it’s used to reference this field’s value throughout your workflow. You’ll learn more about accessing field values in the Input Data Access section.


Configuration fields allow you to define fixed values that apply to every workflow run. These fields are managed separately from regular input fields and serve a different purpose.

Use Cases

Configuration fields are ideal for:

  1. Default values that shouldn’t need manual entry for each run
  2. Thresholds or criteria that apply globally (e.g., credit score threshold)
  3. Fields that should remain private and not be exposed to end users when sharing workflow to fill out the input fields. Configuration fields will be treated as default values and kept hidden from the form.
  4. Rule-level configurations that apply to all records
  5. Values that should be controlled by administrators

Creating Configuration Fields

Configuration fields are created exactly like regular input fields, but with the config property enabled:

  1. Click the options menu in the top right corner of the input container header.
  2. Select the Add Configuration option from the list.
  3. Add fields using the same interface as regular inputs.
  4. All fields added in this section automatically become configuration fields.

Configuration fields must have unique property names that don’t overlap with input fields, as both normal and configuration fields are merged into a single object at runtime

Example Use Cases

Here are some common scenarios where configuration fields provide value:

Credit Score Threshold

This configuration can be set once and applied to all records, rather than specifying it for each run.

Document Categories

Administrators can manage the available categories without exposing them as regular inputs.

Processing Rules

Complex processing rules that should be consistent across runs.

Next Steps

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of fields you can add to your workflow and how to add a field, let’s explore the options and configurations available for each field type.