Now that you’ve seen the Cortex Overview video or read about how Cortex works, you’re ready to get started. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up your account and start using Cortex.

For a better understanding, follow along with the video examples provided in each step.

Quick Start Guide

This basic guide will get you started with Cortex and give you a feel for how the platform works. In the upcoming lessons, we’ll dive deeper into each feature and functionality.


Sign Up to Cortex

To get started with Cortex, sign up for an account. Go to the Cortex website and click on the Login button. You have three options to sign up: with Google, Microsoft, or a magic link. Choose the option that works best for you. After signing up, you’ll be redirected to the onboarding page.

Next, you’ll be prompted to enter your full name in the onboarding form. After entering your name, click on the Continue button. You’ll be redirected to the organization dashboard with the full name you entered as the organization name.

You can then create as many organizations as you want to manage different clients or projects.


Create a Collection

Once you’ve created an organization, you’ll be redirected to the Collections page. You’ll see there is no collection yet. Click on Create Collection and enter the collection name.

You can also select a template for the collection. Templates are previously created collections that you can use to create a new collection with the same rules and records.

Additionally, you can select the visibility for the collection, making it either private or public.

After creating the collection, you’ll be redirected to the collection page.

In this example, we name the collection Compliance.


Configure Rules

Now that you have a collection, you can start configuring rules. Navigate to the Rules page by clicking on Rules in the collection’s top menu. You’ll see that there are no rules yet. Click on Add Rule, and you’ll be prompted to enter the rule name, select a Workflow, and define the Rule Output, which determines what action should be taken based on the analysis result.

Workflows dictate how data is processed, analyzed, and reported for the rule you are going to create. You can choose from built-in workflows or create a new one using the Workflow Builder (which is a bit technical).

For this example, name the rule Country of Primary Operations and select the Country of Primary Operations workflow to verify a company’s primary operational country through official corporate filings, regulatory records, and public communications.


Create a Record (Case)

Now that you have a collection and rules, you can start creating records (cases) to analyze. Navigate to the Records page by clicking on Records in the collection’s top menu. You’ll see that there are no records yet. Click on New Record, and you’ll be prompted to enter the record name. After creating the record, you’ll be redirected to the record page where you can see two tabs: Input and Report.


Fill in Input Data

After creating a record, you can provide input data by filling in the fields in the Input tab. These input fields are defined in the workflow you’ve selected for the rule. You will learn more about this process by exploring the Workflow and Workflow Builder in the upcoming lessons.


Generate Report

After creating a record, you can analyze it by clicking on the Analyze button in the record page header. The record will be processed by the rules you’ve configured, and you’ll see the detailed analysis result in the Report tab.

In this example, you’ll see the analysis result for the Country of Primary Operations rule, which verifies the company’s primary operational country.


Share Report

After analyzing the record, you can share the report with your team by clicking on the Share button in the record page header. You can share the report via email, allowing the recipients to view it in the Cortex UI. You can also print the report or download it as a PDF.


Cortex is designed to integrate with various LOS and external services/providers. This allows you to automatically pull data and documents, create a new case in Cortex, and start the analysis process.


Create a Connection

To integrate Cortex with your LOS or external provider, create a connection. Open the Organization settings by clicking on Organization Settings from the dashboard sidebar. Click on the Connections tab, and then click on the Connect Service button. You’ll be prompted to enter the connection name and select the provider. Choose the service you want to connect with from the list of providers.

After selecting a provider, enter the credentials to connect with the service, such as the API key, username, and password. Test the connection by clicking on the Test Connection button. Once the connection is successful, click on the Connect Service button to establish the connection.

In this example, we’ll connect Cortex with the Encompass LOS.


Create a Trigger

After connecting Cortex with your LOS or external provider, you can create a trigger to automatically pull data and documents, create a new record, and generate a report.

First, open the collection you want to create a trigger for. For this example, we’ll use the Compliance collection.

Navigate to the Triggers page by clicking on Triggers in the collection’s top menu. You’ll see that there are no triggers yet. Click on Create Trigger and you’ll be prompted to enter the trigger name and select the provider. Then you’ll be prompted to select the connection you’ve created in the previous step.

After selecting the connection, two options will appear: Pull on Folders and Pull on Milestones.

Both options specify when the trigger should start pulling. For example, if you want to pull a case every time a new case is created in the Qualification stage, you can select the Pull on Milestones option and then choose the Qualification milestone.

Every time a new case is created in the Qualification stage, Cortex will automatically pull the data and documents from your provider and create a new case (record) in the collection.

Similarly, you can select the Pull on Folders option and choose a folder to trigger the action when a new case is created in the selected folder.

You can select multiple folders or milestones to trigger the action.

In this example, we’ll create a trigger named Encompass and select the Encompass connection we created earlier.


Map Data to Input Fields

After creating a trigger, you can map data from your provider to the input fields. On the newly created trigger, you will see an option called Mapping. Click on it to open a modal where you can map the data from your provider to the input fields. To do this, click on the Add New Mapping button. You will be prompted to select the entity field from your provider. Select the field you want to map, and then select the destination input fields, which are the fields in the configured rules.

To make this clearer, we’ll create a new rule named Property Value using the Property Value workflow. This rule takes the Appraisal Report as input and outputs the property’s market value assessment. For this example, we’ll map the Appraisal Report field from our provider, Encompass LOS, to the corresponding input field in the rule.


Importing Cases Manually (Optional)

If you have identifiers from various providers, you can import them manually into Cortex. Navigate to the Records page by clicking on Records in the collection’s top menu. Click on Import Case and you’ll be prompted to enter the identifier based on the provider. After entering the ID, click on the Import button, and the case will be imported, creating a new record in the collection.

You will also notice that the appraisal report field is automatically filled with the appraisal report from the imported case. This happens because we mapped the data from the provider (Encompass LOS) to the Property Value rule’s Appraisal Report field during the previous step.


Analyze Imported or Pulled Cases

After pulling or importing cases from your provider, you can analyze them by clicking on the Analyze button in the record page header. The record will be processed by the rules you’ve configured, and you’ll see the detailed analysis result in the Report tab.

Next Steps

You can explore the following features to get the most out of Cortex.