API Reference
- GETDiscover Workflows
- GETGet Discoverable Workflow
- GETGet Discoverable Workflow Version
- POSTRun Discoverable Workflow
- POSTCancel a Discoverable Workflow Run
- GETGet Workflows
- GETGet a Workflow
- GETGet Workflow Runs
- POSTRun a Workflow
- POSTReplay a Workflow Run
- GETGet a Workflow Run
- POSTCancel a Workflow Run
- GETGet Workflow Versions
- GETGet a Workflow Version
Update a Collection
Modify an existing collection.
Path Parameters
The ID of the app
The ID of the collection
How you want to change your collection
A short blurb about your collection (up to 1024 characters)
What you want to call your new collection (keep it under 64 characters)
1 - 64
Tags you want to add to your collection (up to 20)
Who should be able to see this collection
Detailed information about a collection including its config (rules, triggers, etc.)
Timestamp when the configuration was created
Unique identifier for the collection configuration
List of rules associated with the collection with workflow details
Unique key of the rule within the collection
Name of the rule
Action to take if the rule fails
Action to take if the rule passes
Detailed information about a workflow
Creation date of the workflow
Indicates if the workflow is deleted
Description of the workflow
Unique identifier for the workflow
Input definition of the workflow
The file type allows users to upload files
Default config input values of the workflow
Input options of the workflow
Display options for the input fields
Unique key for the workflow version
Name of the workflow
Steps of the workflow at the time this version was deployed
A unique key for the step
1 - 128
The note content (markdown supported)
The type of the step
A condition to determine if the step should run
The step keys that this step connects to
Whether the step is connected to the input
A loop condition for the step to repeat running until the condition is met
The position of the step on the canvas
The size of the step on the canvas
Whether to throw an error if the step fails
Tags associated with the workflow
Identifier for the associated app
Color associated with the tag
Timestamp when the tag was created
Unique identifier for the tag
Name of the tag
Timestamp when the tag was last updated
Last update date of the workflow
Current version of the workflow
App id where the workflow version belongs to
Date when the version was deployed
Description of the workflow at the time this version was deployed
Unique identifier for the workflow version
Input definition of the workflow
Default config input values of the workflow
Input options of the workflow
Unique key for the workflow version
Release notes
Steps of the workflow at the time this version was deployed
Version number
Workflow id where the version belongs to
User who deployed the version
Version number from which this version was rolled back
Visibility of the workflow
Statistics of the workflow tests
Number of cancelled workflow tests
Number of expectations failing in workflow tests
Number of expectations passing in workflow tests
Number of failing workflow tests
Number of passing workflow tests
Number of running workflow tests
Total number of workflow tests
Unique identifier of the linked workflow
Should the rule use the latest version of the workflow?
Information about the workflow version
App id where the workflow version belongs to
Date when the version was deployed
Description of the workflow at the time this version was deployed
Unique identifier for the workflow version
Input definition of the workflow
The file type allows users to upload files
Default config input values of the workflow
Input options of the workflow
Display options for the input fields
Unique key for the workflow version
Release notes
Steps of the workflow at the time this version was deployed
A unique key for the step
1 - 128
The note content (markdown supported)
The type of the step
A condition to determine if the step should run
The step keys that this step connects to
Whether the step is connected to the input
A loop condition for the step to repeat running until the condition is met
The position of the step on the canvas
The size of the step on the canvas
Whether to throw an error if the step fails
Version number
Workflow id where the version belongs to
Version number from which this version was rolled back
Unique identifier of the specific workflow version to use
Whether the rule is disabled
When to run this rule compared to others
Timestamp when the configuration was last updated
Timestamp when the collection was created
Has the collection been deleted
Description of the collection
Unique identifier for the collection
Name of the collection
How many records are in the collection
Tags attached to this collection
Identifier for the associated app
Color associated with the tag
Timestamp when the tag was created
Unique identifier for the tag
Name of the tag
Timestamp when the tag was last updated
Triggers associated with the collection
Unique identifier of the collection this trigger belongs to
Configuration of the trigger
Type of the trigger connection
Folders to pull from Encompass
Milestones to pull from Encompass
Unique identifier of the connected service
Creation date of the trigger
Whether the trigger is enabled or not
Unique identifier for the trigger
Name of the trigger
Service that the trigger is connected to
Last update date of the trigger
Timestamp when the collection was last updated
Who can see this collection
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