• App (Organization) API: Manage your organization-level settings and configurations, including retrieving organization data, API keys, creating collections and workflows, managing files, members, and more.
  • Collections API: Retrieve collections, create records, manage collections, and handle collection triggers and more.
  • Records API: Retrieve records, manage records, configure and manage rules, and more.
  • Workflows API: Retrieve workflows, manage workflows, conduct workflow tests, run workflows, and more.
  • Webhooks API: Get real-time logs, update webhooks, delete webhooks, and more.

Base URL

The Cortex API is built on REST principles. We enforce HTTPS in every request to improve data security, integrity, and privacy. The API does not support HTTP.

All requests contain the following base URL:



To authenticate, you need to add an Authorization header with the contents being Bearer YOUR_API_KEY.

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Response codes

Cortex uses standard HTTP codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests.

In general, 2xx HTTP codes correspond to success, 4xx codes are for user-related failures, and 5xx codes are for infrastructure issues.

200Successful request.
400Check that the parameters were correct.
401Check that the API key is correct.
404The resource was not found.
429The rate limit was exceeded.
5xxIndicates an error with Cortex servers.

Rate limits

Cortex enforces rate limits to ensure fair usage of the API. If you exceed the rate limit, you will receive a 429 status code.

The rate limit is currently set at 500 requests per minute per IP address.

We are working on a more flexible rate limit system.